Flint Hills Foundation For Older Kansans

Funding Application

Program Guidelines

The Flint Hills Foundation for Older Kansans is committed to supporting programs and services that promote independence and quality of life for older Kansans. Its funding interests fall into the following areas:

  1. To improve the availability and effectiveness of community programs designed to maintain older persons in their own homes including, but not limited to, home care, nutrition, home modifications, and transportation programs.
  2. To provide expanded opportunities for older adults to engage in meaningful roles in society (for example, through counseling, education, support groups) by preparing them for employment or volunteer activities.
  3. To support training initiatives that enhance knowledge and skills of caregivers so they will be adequately prepared to serve the elderly population.
  4. To provide support for other creative programs that serves the needs of older Kansans.

General policies guiding Foundation Trustees in making grants:

  1. Funding is limited to projects that carry out the stated objectives and for programs that serve elderly residents in the18 counties served by the North Central Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging.
  2. Organizations seeking funding must have been granted tax-exempt status by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
  3. Funding generally is not available for grants to individuals and general operating expenses of established organizations.
  4. Amounts to be awarded will be determined each year depending on the availability of funds. Generally, individual project awards will not exceed $5,000.

Application Procedures

Proposals for funds should include the following:

  1. A summary, a brief paragraph summarizing the project, its significance and cost.
  2. Project significance to explain the importance and relevance of the proposed project. .
  3. Statement of objective to clearly, concisely, and completely define the specific project objectives and anticipated outcomes and accomplishments of the project.
  4. Description of procedures, methods, or activities used to accomplish the objectives of the project.
  5. Budget and timetable for the project should include both funds requested from the Foundation and funds available from other sources for the project. If the project is expected to operate beyond the period for which funds are requested, describe plans for continued support.
  6. Personnel and applicant organization information to explain qualification of applicant to implement project.
  7. A copy of the tax-exempt status of the applicant should be included.
  8. Three copies of the application are required.


PO Box 163  |  Manhattan, Kansas 66505 |  (785)776-9294